


Turn that covered porch or patio into your favourite room in the house. By adding a set of 3 season walls to your covered porch, you’ve created a beautiful outdoor room at a fraction of the cost of getting an entire sunroom.

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10+ Reasons to Choose the WeatherMaster Enclosures over a Standard Three Season Glass Sunroom

1.     The WeatherMaster Vinyl Four Track Enclosure, offers up to 75% ventilation with it's unique vertical window system.

2.     Able to ventilate from the top or bottom, affording you more control over the amount and location of air flow.

3.     Vinyl glazed panels do not conduct heat or cold like single pane glass, therefore, keeping more heat out in the summer and more heat in during the winter.

4.     Because they don't conduct heat or cold, vinyl glazed panels do not fog or condensate like single pane glass.

5.     The View Flex vinyl of the WeatherMaster is a resilient 10 ml vinyl. It's strong - see video!

6.     The View Flex vinyl of the WeatherMaster Enclosure is available in four tints at no extra charge. Clear, Smoke, Bronze and Dark Grey.

7.     Able to vary the tint throughout the sunroom to suit your needs.

8.     The WeatherMaster Enclosure is safer. Single pane glass is easy to break. Blowing debris during a storm, roughhousing children or pets. You'll have peace of mind with the WeatherMaster Enclosure

9.     The View Flex vinyl has a 10 year warranty. That's right. 10 (ten) years. Single pane glass is only warranteed against manufacturer's defect for 1 (one) year and doesn't cover any accidental breakage. The View Flex warranty covers it all.

10.     In the event of damage, WeatherMaster vinyl panes are easily repaired at no cost to you while under warranty. Remember, we said 10 years.

11.     100% screen coverage.

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Your Roof, Our Walls